Top 20 Classic Queen Tracks

18. Get Down, Make Love Although not a 'Greatest Hit' by any stretch of the imagination, this song is featured here for a number of reasons, not least at all because it was once covered by the Nine Inch Nails €“ showing just how far Queen's musical influence stretches. The song was never played in its entirety live (they used the first verse and chorus as a lead in to May's own solo spot) but was used expertly by the band/crew to showcase their lighting and stage components. There are several examples of live performances from the band were this has been documented. It was certainly one of the most sexually suggestive songs the band ever recorded, with Mercury infusing his own moans and groans into the microphone at various stages of the live performances. The effects in the song were not created by keyboards €“ to which the band were vehemently opposed during that part of their recording career €“ but rather by May's guitar and Taylor's knowledge and use of Latin percussive instruments.
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First studied Journalism in Ireland in 2003, returning to Sunderland University on the tenth anniversary of my first studies in the subject to continue towards an MA. Interested in all sorts including WWE, Music, Film, TV and Games. Has travelled around a bit to places like California, Ontario and Mexico and plans to do more of the same soon again. Recently I've been writing pieces on my favourite topics which have included obscure theme music from nostalgic shows, Guns N' Roses and a few other surprises I'll be happy to share in time!