U2: 10 Best Album Tracks

2. Miracle Drug

A song about a boy called Christopher Nolan (not that one) who went to the same school as the band, Nolan was deprived of oxygen for two hours during birth, leaving him a paraplegic and causing him to suffer from cerebral palsy, ultimately being confined to a wheelchair. Still, his mother believing he could understand what was going on, and began to teach him at home.

Eventually a drug was developed that allowed him to move one muscle in his neck. They then attached a pointer to his head and taught him how to type. Out of this came a collection of poetry called Dam Burst of Dreams, and Nolan went on to win many awards for his work.

Bono was inspired to write the song from Nolan’s mother's perspective with the lyric “the songs are in your eyes, I see them when you smile” - a direct reference to the belief that Nolan’s mother had that he was able to understand what was going on.

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Still takes great pride in the fact that he stopped the London Eye for 15 minutes that one time.