10 Most Insane Stories Stephen King Ever Dreamt Up

9. The Raft

Four friends go out for a swim, a pair of guys and their gal pals. They swim out to a raft moored in the local swimming spot. Sounds like the start of a teenage sex comedy from the 80s, right? Think again. While it is from the 80s, The Raft is part of King's collection Skeleton Crew (and later adapted as part of Creepshow 2), and the fun day at the beach quickly turns to terror when a black, oil like substance attacks one of the girls, then surrounds the swimmers on the platform. The girl attacked pretty much dissolves before her friends eyes, and the remaining trio don't feel safe making a break for it - until one of them, Deke, is caught on the raft by the slick creature, who has found a crack in the platform. From there, the remaining duo, Randy and LaVerne, make the insane decision to have sex on the raft, only to have LaVerne's hair fall in the water, allowing the creature to grab hold of her. Randy remains the sole survivor, but cannot even sit down, and with no hope of rescue in sight, he eventually gives into the inevitable.

Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.