10 Amazing Engrish Fails

5. Thieves Will Be Forced To Join The Escort Trade

Rsz Shoplifters Will Be Prostituted At Number 5 we have a terrifying take on the classic "Shoplifters will be prosecuted" sign, which you will have experienced if you have ever scoped out a dodgy corner shop. You know the type - Jakies hovering about the entrance, sneaky burberry-encased teenagers stalking the aisles. But we digress. This seems like a far more effective (and infinitely more illegal) way of discouraging shoplifters. Your average five-finger discount practitioner would laugh at the prospect of community service or the possibility of a fine. If you were to threaten them with the potential of a future as a rent boy or hooker, however... they may think twice.
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Interests include: Writing, bourbon, cigarettes, music, video games, Honey Badgers. Feel free to send any job offers, assignments, or searing fireballs of pure hatred to: gordstark@gmail.com