10 Amazing Things That Your Body Does Every Single Day

8. Stands Still

Amazing human body

It might seem as simple as falling off a log, but just standing still is actually a pretty tricky thing to do.

Just to stand on two legs requires the use of over 300 muscles that are constantly making tiny adjustments just to keep you upright. Even when you're stood to attention, you're never really stood completely still.

The body actually constantly rocks backwards and forwards as it makes corrections and keeps its balance. Your weight is continually shifting from one leg to the other and different muscles twitch, relax and contract - all without you even thinking about it.

No wonder you get tired if you stand up for too long, it's hard work.

Perhaps the biggest unsung hero of the body, and its incredible ability to stand on two legs, is the big toe.

Despite that fact that you'd never give it a second thought until you bang it on a bit of furniture, the big toe is absolutely vital for retaining balance and propelling the body forwards when we walk. Without it, we'd be keeling over all over the place like badly design action figures.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.