10 Amazing Things That Your Body Does Every Single Day

7. Gives You Superpowers

Amazing human body
Paramount Pictures

If somebody told you to go and lift up a car, you'd think they'd lost it. But if they told you that your child was being crushed under that car, you'd suddenly find that you would be able to practically lift the damn thing over your head.

This is the power of adrenaline.

In a stressful situation, your body will flood with adrenaline. This will cause your breathing to quicken and your heart to go like the clappers, increasing oxygen levels in the blood and giving your muscles sudden, super-human strength.

You may also experience tunnel vision, allowing you to focus on what is directly in front of you, and your reflexes will become super-sharp. Put all this together with adrenaline's remarkable ability to suppress pain, and you've got yourself a superhero, if only for a couple of minutes.

So why is it only when we're in danger that we get these powers, surely it would be a great benefit to always have superhuman strength and awareness? 

The simple answer is that it would break you. If you were always able to throw a car, run a mile in a minute or punch a bullet out of mid-air, you would simply burn out, tear your muscles to pieces and die of a heart  attack. Best just to save it for special occasions.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.