10 Awesome Halloween Costume Ideas For Women

4. Gamora (Guardians Of The Galaxy)

How to: Black leather pants, leather vest, leather arm cuffs, purple and pink hair dye, lots and lots of green body paint. Gamora is definitely not a girl you would wanna meet in a dark alley one night...unless you're into that sort of thing. A young orphaned girl, trained to be a personal assassin is not someone most people would want to mess with and her outfit is relatively easy to pull off. The emphasis on this costume basically lies in the green skin, but Gamora has a fair amount on show so you might have to bite the bullet and paint as much as you can. To top it off, Gamora's facial markings can be imitated with scar putty or latex if you want to make your costume really authentic. All you'll need then is a knife holster on your hip and you're good to go!

TV and Film fanatic with too much time on her hands and a penchant for fast food and handsome men, not necessarily in that order. Self proclaimed 'funny one' among family and friends.