10 Awesome Halloween Costume Ideas For Women

3. Imperator Furiosa (Mad Max)

How to: Cargo pants and a beige top dirtied, bald cap and black makeup and belts, quite a few belts. The rest is not that complicated, I promise! When Mad Max hit the cinema this year, it was almost guaranteed to inspire quite a few ambitious cos-players. Imperator Furiosa seemed to be the biggest hit among women and the most challenging due to her prosthetic arm. Furiosa is a force to be reckoned with, and this costume is a guaranteed contemporary crowd-pleaser. The bald cap and clothes are easy enough to do, also adding black eye shadow as war paint should be self explanatory. If you don't want to waste £100 on buying a pre-made cybernetic arm online, you can easily make your own with a keen combination of an elbow pad, some long wooden skewers, cardboard and lots of dry brushing. You can also easily find steam-punk style trinkets online to add as and where you deem necessary!

TV and Film fanatic with too much time on her hands and a penchant for fast food and handsome men, not necessarily in that order. Self proclaimed 'funny one' among family and friends.