10 Awesome Kickstarter Projects For Your Smartphone

7. GearTag

7 Ever lost your keys, wallet, bag, cat or grandmother? Well now, if that happens, you don't need to worry! The GearTags are tiny little devices that are attached to your stuff, and paired with your phone via bluetooth. There are a couple of ways to use it; The paging method, and the tracking method. With the paging method, if you're running late for work and can't find your keys, you pull out your phone, tap a few times, and the keys start beeping. The side benefit to this method is that if it's the phone that's missing, you can pull out your keys and use the tag to make your phone beep. The other method is the "prisoner in transit" style beeping, in which if the tag moves too far away from the phone, or vice versa, the tag starts to beep, reminding you that you've forgotten something. At the time of writing, GearTag hasn't even scraped together 10 grand, which is surprising considering it's the solution that so many people want. Get on it people! Geartag on Kickstarter
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Jay is an all round nerd who is currently training to be an IT support person. Jay is passionate about Android, Phones and Tablets, Star Wars, eating, sleeping, and occasionally leaving the house. In his spare time he writes for Android Analyse and WhatCulture