10 Awful Fashion Trends Of The Future (According To Films)

10. Twin Ties

As seen in: Back To The Future Part II This one hasn't appeared anywhere apart from Back To The Future Part II, but it's such an egregious fashion faux pas that it deserves a place on the list. Robert Zemeckis relied on certain signifiers at the end of the first instalment of his time travel trilogy, so that audiences would realise the Doc Brown who shows up for that cliffhanger ending wasn't the present-day Christopher Lloyd, neither the €œyouthful€ one Marty McFly had been helping out back in 1955. No, this was a Doc who'd be gallivanting around in the future, which is why he had huge shiny sunglasses. Old Marty was typified, meanwhile (for some reason) with two ties. There isn't really much point in ties to begin with. They're purely decorative. They offer no practical purpose other than to apparently show your seriousness at job interviews, funerals, or when you're going to rob a bank with your colour coded mates. By that logic, wearing two ties is doubly impractical and unnecessary. And yet Old Man Marty flaunts it the whole way through Back To The Future Part II, except (confusingly) in the dystopian eighties timeline that would befit such a ridiculous outfit. Let us all pray that this particular prediction is untrue. All will become clear with GQ's fashion trends of 2015, supposedly.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/