10 Best April Fools Pranks From Around The Web

7. Every Counter Strike: Global Offensive Owner Will Receive A Free Copy Of GTA V On PC

This is a rumour that seems to have struck up across Twitter and the blogosphere, but it's funny regardless. As an apology to users waiting for Half-Life 3, all Counter Strike: Global Offensive players would receive a free copy of Grand Theft Auto V when it emerges on PC. It was also apparently a gesture from Rockstar, who were adamant it wouldn't come to PC, until, of course, it did. Poor Valve; they are usually the butt of the jokes on April Fools' Day, but it's their own fault really. They shouldn't make so damn good games that people can't physically wait for them without turning to digs at them. Imagine if they did announce Half-Life 3 on April 1 though; it'd be fantastic banter, wouldn't it?
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Journalism graduate and now professional wordsmith, writing about games, film and sport.