10 Best April Fools Pranks From Around The Web

5. Introducing The Brand New Steam-Powered Games Console

Ok, it's a prank, but it's quite sad because that console looks beautiful and perfect and many people said they'd buy it regardless. The Steam Box was a prank pulled by Thinkgeek and it came with a plethora of features. The description reads:
The Steam-Powered Gaming Cabinet is a Video game console that is literally a steam machine. That is, it is steam powered! Using a patent-pending miniature boiler mechanism, a stationary steam engine produces all the electricity you need to play your games. Of course you€™ll need to keep a close eye on the boiler pressure, stoke the fire, grease all internal lubrication points, and properly rectify the output voltage, but isn€™t the enjoyment you€™ll receive worth it?
There are probably many fans who wouldn't mind shovelling coal into their console every time they used it, if it meant they could play Steam games on a wooden console. But, until a Kickstarter pops up somewhere, it's just a distant dream.
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Journalism graduate and now professional wordsmith, writing about games, film and sport.