10 Best Epic Rap Battles Of (Actual) History

8. Elon Musk Vs. Mark Zuckerberg

Cutting and brutally critical of both men for their detachment to everyday life, this entry depicts Musk as an egomaniac and Zuckerberg as an unblinking automaton. Initially made to bridge the gap between Seasons 5 and 6, this Battle has the two centi-billionaires squabbling about their respective achievements and their detriment to humanity as a whole.

Given how prominent the use of social media has been in social upheaval over the last few years, it's well deserved. Elon Musk's troubling personality is evident as Zuckerberg points out his fascination with artificial intelligence, as well as Musk's own insistence that he's taking us to Mars.

For all of our Trek Culture fans, we get a brief vision of how Lloyd looks dressed up as Captain Picard (making this one of the few Lloyd appearances where he doesn't quite seamlessly morph into whoever it is he's trying to be). It's tough to say who wins this one, but it's probably not the tax-paying public.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'