10 Best Epic Rap Battles Of (Actual) History

3. Julius Ceaser Vs. Shaka Zulu

One of the few times that massed battles have been (fleetingly) shown during these verbal duels. Zulu and Caesar both have a lot to brag about. Both were accomplished military commanders in their time and both expanded the reach of their people over large distances. Shaka mocks Caesar's failings, such as his affair with Cleopatra and his eventual murder at the hands of his own companions.

Julius replies that he is the most triumphant third of the Triumvirate (which means that including Pompey's brief appearance, it's only Marcus Crassus that needs to crop up in an ERB to cover all three members). He confidently lays down the battle plan that would see his victory over the hordes of the Zulu warriors, as he did with numerous opponents across his glorious military career.

This battle is probably one that has the least amount of subtext within the verses, but is delivered so well that it is one of the finest put to camera.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'