10 Best Fantasy Worlds In Fiction

2. The Four Nations - Avatar The Last Airbender

Middle earth Shadow of War

Fans of this series (and there are many) likely have one thing running through their head upon mention of the four nations, and it's the classic opening title sequence to this phenomenal animated series. The intro entirely dictates everything you need to know about the world of Avatar. That being said, its complexities do not stop at its well-crafted exposition, the world that this show exists in is undeniably unique, and it's easy to understand why it was and is so popular because of that.

A lot of what makes this world work so flawlessly is that the magic system that the show introduces is fundamental to the running and lives of the cultures involved. If you can bend either the element of Water, Fire, Earth or Air then, of course, it would be a pillar of your society for it would be how you govern and dictate the technology you use to advance.

The binary setting of the four nations and the cultures they derive inspiration from make them all seem so unique and easy to identify, whilst never feeling too over simplified. Although the lands seem binary and closed off, the connection between the cultures and the way they interact with each other makes the world of Avatar perfectly nuanced and unique.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!