10 Best Science Based Joe Rogan Experience Guests
3. Dr. Ben Goertzel – Episode 1211
Ben Goertzel looks and sounds like Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante if in a parallel universe Frusciante had dedicated his life to the advancement of artificial intelligence.
Goertzel's appearance on the podcast is one of the more in-depth and fascinating explorations into the possibilities of AI and humankind reaching the technological singularity.
Although Goertzel claims to have a positive outlook on the future of humans melding with machines, you cant help but get the sense that he's more ambivalent than he lets on. His conversation with Rogan contains some terrifying speculations.
A huge debate that revolves around this topic is the necessity to impart a moral compass into AI systems, insuring they have the interests of the human race at heart. But Goertzel's belief is that when we create a true AI system, none of that will matter. At some point a system will be created that is far more intelligent than any human to have ever lived, with the ability to learn at 10,000 times the rate of our species. With this in mind, are the AI systems of the future really going to have a second thought about our human values? More likely they'll dismiss us as we might dismiss a colony of ants...
Whether we like to admit it or not, the time when humans become integrated with technology is coming.