10 Best Twitter Celebrity Comebacks

9. Neko Case

Indie rock legend Neko Case€™s Twitter is a wonderful hive of one-liners in itself, and she has no problem with telling people how it is. Neko Case isn€™t someone that you should patronise, as Playboy very awkwardly found out. Saying that she was €œbreaking the mold of what women in the music industry should be€, Case responded that she was not €œa f*cking €œwoman in music€. I€™m a f*cking musician in music€, which, fair enough. Another user weighed in to criticise her for not taking a compliment. Interestingly, during that week€™s Mad Men Pete backhandedly (and inadvertently) insults Peggy in an attempted defense, saying that she was €œevery bit as good as any woman in the business€, and Neko Case refused to take more of the same, calling out the users of €œPeggy Olson€-ing her. Moral of the story: women are people too (shock headline), and we don€™t live in the 1950s anymore (thank god).

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.