10 Biggest Reasons Everybody Is Abandoning Facebook

1. It Isn't The Best Anymore

Social Media After all of that, it's a small wonder why many these days use the website solely for utilitarian purposes: communicating with the few Facebook friends that you actually talk to, sharing photos with family, and professional networking, to name a few. Only, the thing is, Facebook is no longer the best option for pretty much anything that you want to do with it. Sharing personal photos of your wacky hijinks that only your nearest and dearest will pretend to care about? Instagram's got you covered. Want to post artsy photography and/or pseudo-deep musings away from nosy parents? Tumblr's your guy. Trying to get social media attention for your project? #TwitterIsBetter. Professional networking? Google Plus might get you further than Facebook on the world's biggest search engine. Sure, Facebook is pretty useful for all of the above, but a jack of all trades is a master of none; people these days have increasingly specific needs from their social networking, and a random disarray of posts and updates just doesn't cut it like it did when we first joined. Plus, when you have to trudge through a news feed chock full of proud near-strangers posting pictures of little Tommy's first potty and legions of washed-up memes already discarded by the rest of the Internet, well, anything else seems like it's the better option.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.