10 Biggest Reasons Everybody Is Abandoning Facebook

2. It Sucks Time From Our Lives

It's boring. It's annoying. Hell, it's depressing. But the reason why Facebook is still alive and kicking as one of the major social networks despite the "Facebook is so annoying" sentiment echoed throughout the Internet is pretty straightforward: we feel socially obligated to stay connected. Simply put, Facebook isn't fun anymore; it's a chore. As soon as we come to terms with this fact, a realisation follows: it's also a colossal waste of time. One 'hang on, let me just check my notifications for a second' can spiral into considerably longer than a second of time wasted procrastinating, and it's not even enjoyable anymore. It's perfunctory; it's a routine that slowly takes time out of a million more productive, interesting things that you could be doing instead of passive-aggressively raging at uninformed, hyperbolic status updates and incessant Candy Crush invites. It's a distraction, and, much like surfing through channels or going back to your kitchen for food every fifteen minutes and coming up empty every time, it leaves us with a feeling of frustration and emptiness. In all the time I've spent distracting myself on Facebook, I start thinking, I could have written a novel, or learned how to crochet, or baked enough muffins to last me ten years. Time is becoming a huge factor in why people are leaving Facebook: we want more time to study, to work, to live a meaningful, offline existence, and this time-sucking vortex of a website doesn't seem to allow it. And time, after all, is non-refundable.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.