10 Biggest Reasons Everybody Is Abandoning Facebook
8. It's The Toxic Waste Dump Of The Internet
Remember that joke or meme that you first saw on Reddit or Tumblr and you found it immensely amusing? And then less so, as people kept beating that dead horse into the ground relentlessly for months? And then eventually you found yourself wanting to claw your eyes out every time you saw it because it was so over, and misused? Such is the life cycle of any Internet joke, as we all have borne witness to at one point or another. And then, it comes to Facebook to die a painful, undignified death. You can be sure that any "meme" or macro that you come across on your Facebook feed is either misused, completely unfunny (which, at least, isn't too far from the norm), or so over-posted around various corners of the web that you can barely read it because of the JPEG artefacts. Usually, all three. Again, it's not really a fundamental, foundational reason for anyone quitting the website, but, for the love of all that is holy, does it get seriously annoying.
Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.