10 Biggest Reasons Everybody Is Abandoning Facebook

9. Privacy Problems

After 2012's big Instagram privacy scare (occurring after Facebook bought the photo-sharing service), people have become wary of Facebook's privacy policy and privacy on the website in general. When we offer up so much of our lives to something, we want to feel like our information is in safe hands, and, increasingly, well, we don't. The problem with Facebook is that, while we are given a platform to connect with people, it feels as though our connections are being exploited through the website and its policies, from last September's controversy over using user's names and profile pictures in advertisements to a lawsuit filed just this month over alleged scanning of private conversations to mine user data for marketing and advertising. In point of fact, Facebook users are beginning to feel like their heart, soul and all the minute details of their routines that they safeguarded with the website are being exploited and their lives commodified, and, whether the concern is valid or not, this leaves more and more people packing their virtual bags and leaving the monolithic social networking service for a more private venue.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.