10 Biggest Reasons Everybody Is Abandoning Facebook

6. It Makes Us Feel Bad

Scrolling through your Facebook feed, you see that your old high school girlfriend's gotten engaged, all your friends are moving on with their lives as you sit here alone on your computer, and everyone is out having fun except you. And then you get a horrible, heart-plummeting feeling that you're missing out on every great thing that life has to offer. Sound familiar? Probably, seeing as a recent University of Michigan study shows that Facebook leaves a majority of users feeling depressed and dissatisfied. In reality, people carefully craft their pages on the social network to reflect a generally false life of social activity and excitement: you're not going to post the fact that you didn't shower for a week because you never left the house on your timeline, you're going to talk about what's fun and exciting in your life. This leaves the average user thinking that everyone else is living a richer, fuller life than they are, which is usually not the case; only, we don't know that, so we get depressed that our lives are boring in comparison, and we get anxious because we think we're missing out. So, our lives don't seem to measure up to the perfect profiles of our friends, and this makes us feel increasingly worse about ourselves. Although some of us (hello, friends, shall we start a support group?) can't seem to escape this spiral of discontent and self-loathing, most people simply like being happy, as we do, and Facebook is just plain depressing.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.