10 Biggest Scandals In American Politics

9. The Petticoat Affair

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This scandal actual has a lot less to do with the president at the time, Andrew Jackson, and a lot more to do with his cabinet, who all resigned except one by the time it was over.

In 1830, the wives of President Jackson's cabinet members united to ostracize one of their, Peggy O'Neal, because they thought her marriage to John Eaton, the Secretary of War, was somewhat questionable.

Pious eyebrows first raised when the Eatons were married with the blessing of Jackson despite Peggy being widowed just a few short months before. Peggy's outspoken personality and less polite manner of speaking further divided her from the others until finally they all began to shun the Eatons publicly.

This rift in turn had a negative affect on the way Jackson conducted his cabinet since he liked the Eatons and sympathized with their situation. A few political favors later, the rift gave him the excuse to ask for the resignation of his cabinet, all except Eaton.

To say Jackson wasn't known for his amicable reputation is a bit of an understatement.


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