10 Bizarre Place Names You Won't Believe Are Real

8. Nothing, Arizona, USA

If you ever fancy a week of peace, why not visit Nothing? It's practically a guarantee that you won't be disturbed. There is absolutely no irony to this place name: Nothing really does contain absolutely naff all. Founded in 1977, this unincorporated settlement once boasted a small convenience shop, a petrol station and an estimated four residents. The shop is now boarded up, the petrol station is little more than rocky remains and the inhabitants (the 'Nothingites') seem to have run as far away as they possibly could, leaving Nothing as a desolate ghost town. An optimistic bloke by the name of Michael Jensen (better known as Pizza Man Mike) purchased Nothing in the late noughties, hoping to revive the doomed area. However, a variety of health and safety issues - not to mention the lack of customers - quashed his plans for a wood fired pizza trailer for long-distance truckers and curious passers by, and eventually he too turned his back on this miserable stretch of earth. What a shame. As of 2014, Nothing is still uninhabited. It remains a popular attraction for ghost town enthusiasts.
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Stephanie is a writer and free spirit who likes to pretend she's a Londoner, though strictly speaking she's from Watford. She likes books, music, elephants, and hairspray.