10 Botched Crimes That Went Hilariously Wrong

5. Attempted Robbery Using A Banana

We all remember the conversation at the beginning of Pulp Fiction, about how someone could potentially rob a bank using just a mobile phone. Where that was unconventional but clever, this attempt was both unique and completely stupid. A North Carolina teen named John Szwalla held a banana under his shirt and entered a shop with the intention of robbing the place. Szwalla told shop staff that he was actually carrying a gun in his jacket, and demanded money from the till. The shop's owner and a customer jumped Szwalla before things could escalate, dropping him to the ground and restraining him while waiting for police to arrive. Perhaps in an attempt to avoid being the accusation of being armed, Szwalla quickly ate the banana before police got there. The plan didn't work though, as officers took photos of the banana peel, and Szwalla was charged with attempted armed robbery.
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