10 Botched Crimes That Went Hilariously Wrong

6. Advertising For A Hitman On Craigslist

Hit Man Wanted Megan Schmidt really didn't get along with her father, claiming that at one point he assaulted her. In an attempt to resolve the issue, she chose just about the most extreme measure possible: hire a hitman to kill him. We're no experts on hiring hitmen, but Schmidt's choice of method doesn't seem like the best ever. She posted a request on Craigslist in the form of a "help wanted" advertisement. The ad itself didn't actually say that the job was for a hitman, but the $10,000 cash payment aroused suspicion in many that viewed it. Upon dialling the phone number listed in the advertisement, Schmidt would openly admit to any caller that she was actually looking for someone to murder her father. The ad was reported to the police, leading to an undercover officer responded to the posting and meeting with Schmidt. She handed over a photograph of her father and specifically requested his murder. Schmidt was arrested and charged with both attempted murder and solicitation to commit murder.
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