10 Most Brutal Prisons In The World

6. Bang Kwang Central Prison

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFo8P7RG5Fw Location: Thailand All you really need to know about Bang Kwang is its nickname. The Thai's refer to it as 'The Big Tiger' because it eats men alive. The most violent prison in Thailand houses those with minimum sentences of 25 years to life and all Thai death row inmates. As it was built to hold 3,500 inmates but currently has over 8,000, the living conditions are deplorable. The open toilets and sewage system combined with the overcrowding, one meal a day and lack of fresh water, mean diseases like dysentery, typhoid fever, malaria, cholera and hepatitis A, B and C are commonplace. The brutality is evident from day one where all new inmates are forced to wear leg irons for the first three months of their sentence and those inmates on death row have theirs permanently welded on. If you are locked up in 'The Bangkok Hilton' expect to spend fourteen hours a day in a cell no bigger 6m x 4m with at least three other people. The Big Tiger also houses foreign prisoners so the next time you're in Thailand and someone asks you to carry a fluffy toy through customs... just say no.
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Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.