10 Most Brutal Prisons In The World

7. Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCUzHnVeI10 Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Guantanamo Bay opened for business in January 2002. Then Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld stated the prison was established to detain extraordinarily dangerous prisoners and interrogate them in an optimal setting. People will debate the nature of honourable intentions and the usefulness of the information that was extracted during interrogations but the facts speak for themselves. A number of detainees have been released without charge with the vast majority of those reporting abuse and torture ranging from sexual degradation, forced drugging and sleep deprivation to being assaulted with barbed wire, broken glass and burnt with cigarettes. In 2005 Amnesty International called the facility the 'Gulag of our time' and a year later the United Nations called for it to be closed but the Bush Administration refused. Following his election as President in 2009 Barack Obama ordered the suspension of proceedings at the facility for a year in an effort to arrange the transfer of detainees into American prisons but the vote was blocked. Current Secretary of Defence Robert Gates has said Guantanamo Bay is unlikely to close due to opposition in Congress. As of December 2013, 155 detainees remain in custody there.
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Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.