10 Most Brutal Prisons In The World

4. Gitarama Central Prison

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOKhRFGdNR0 Location: Rwanda The facility is a roofless brick box open to the elements where prisoners stand cramped together under all weather conditions. The squalid environment and lack of resources result in prisoners suffering from diseases like gangrene with inmates having to resort to cannibalism out of sheer desperation where people are left to die once incarcerated. To be sentenced to do time in Gitarama is to be doomed to eat, sleep, rot and die squeezed together with four men per square yard. The facility was built to house 400 people but the population had swelled to over 7000 by the mid-1990's in the wake of the Rwandan genocide. Three very succinct words have been used to describe Rwanda's Gitarama Central Prison... hell on Earth
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Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.