You never know who you'll end up in school with - the most formative and excruciating period of your life - odds are your classmates will be contentious and forgettable, but sometimes you get lucky and in some cases, you begin a lifelong friendship and creative partnership like best friends Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. They met while attending the Cambridge Ringe and Latin School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and in 1997 they both won Oscars for collaboratively writing the screenplay for Good Will Hunting. Likewise, Trey Parker and Matt Stone met at the University of Colorado in Boulder; a prolific partnership developed that includes feature films (Orgazmo, Team America), musicals (The Book Of Mormon) and the long running South Park - now including a spin-off video game. And rounding out the examples, the lovely and talented Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts boast a friendship going back to North Sydney Girls' High School. But in many cases, those peers you are forced into public places and cafeterias with turn up at the oddest times later. Especially if you're now both celebrities. That's when the strange connections begin to emerge. 10. Claire Danes & Morena Baccarin In a real life high school twist, Betty and Veronica are still fighting over Archie. That's right; Homeland rivals Claire Danes (Carrie Matheson) and Morena Baccarin (Jessica Brody) were high school chums in real life. Baccarin was born in Rio de Janero, Brazil and moved to New York at the age of 10 when her father was transferred there; Danes was a native New Yorker, and they attended junior high school together, at what is now known as the New York City Lab School for Collaborative Students. The girls were in the same class, and sat across from the same boy - just like in Homeland - and while they got along, they lost touch until they were cast together as love rivals. By this time Baccarin had starred in Firefly and V, and Danes had been in My So Called Life, Terminator 3 and Romeo and Juliet. "We weren't friends," Morena jokes, "but we always joke that if we had known we had the same bully we would have become closer." Viewers agree they nevertheless do a bang up job together opposite Damien Lewis. Coincidentally, Clare moved on to the Professional Performing Arts School in New York City where she was classmates with...Britney Spears. While these gals were matriculating, Damien Lewis attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama with the likes of Daniel Craig and Joseph Fiennes. Coincidentally, all three have been rumored to be playing James Bond.