Another superstar who found herself drawing the unwanted attention of someone suffering from erotomania is one of the biggest stars of the 20th Century - Madonna is without a doubt a cultural icon of the highest caliber, her albums over the years selling millions and earning her a net worth of approximately $500 million. In 1995, Robert Hoskins, a homeless man with the delusion that Madonna was meant to be his wife, made several attempts to get closer to his "betrothed". Having scaled the walls of her Hollywood Hills home and been scared off by her bodyguards, he returned again and issued a warning to Madonna via her bodyguards, saying that if she didn't marry him by the evening he would slice her throat open. Still later he made another attempt to climb into her property, this time getting shot and arrested for his efforts. Madonna attended the trial, during which she felt nauseated (who wouldn't be?) and Hoskins was sentenced to 10 years in prison, where he maintained his obsession with Madonna - he has since been released, although the police of the local community in which he now lives have warned residents that he is dangerous when off his medication.