10 Compelling Arguments That Lord Voldemort Was Based On Adolf Hitler

8. A Questionable Bloodline

After learning the gory details of his parent€™s relationship and his subsequent birth, Voldemort went on the war path. After researching the origins of his middle name €˜Marvolo€™ and discovering that his mother belonged to the Gaunt family, he traced his uncle to the village of Little Hangleton. Morfin Gaunt actually mistook Voldemort for his father Tom Riddle Snr when he turned up announced at his run down home, remarking that he looked €œmighty like that muggle€ that his sister took a fancy to, the one that (unaware of the danger that awaited him there) had just returned to town. Armed with the knowledge that his father was indeed a wealthy muggle who had abandoned his magical mother to poverty and death, Voldemort visited the Riddle home and proceeded to murder his father and his grandparents with the Killing Curse, leaving his notoriously anti-Muggle uncle to take the rap. The true nature of Hitler€™s family tree still remains shrouded in mystery even today, though some stories about his true heritage bear striking similarities to that of Voldemort€™s. Hitler€™s personal lawyer Hans Frank, who was found guilty of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials, produced some startling revelations about his former boss before he was executed. According to Hans, Hitler€™s father Alois (whose official parentage has never been known) was actually the son of a Jew. Frank revealed that Hitler€™s grandmother had worked as a housekeeper for a Jewish family in Graz, and believed that 19-year-old occupant Leopold Frankenberger fathered Alois Hitler. Rumours that Hitler had Jewish blood had surfaced much earlier in his reign, something that he wasted no time in investigating. After some digging into his past, Hitler told the world that these rumours were false and went as far as to print his family tree in a book entitled €˜The Pedigree of The Leader€™, though its authenticity can never truly be proven.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.