10 Compelling Arguments That Lord Voldemort Was Based On Adolf Hitler

7. Ethnic Cleansing

Both men rapidly moved on from blaming the so-called inferior race €“ Muggles to Voldemort, Jews to Hitler €“ for the world€™s problems to wanting to eliminate them from the world entirely. The idea that Muggles are considered lesser human beings than those with magic blood by some wizards is a rhetoric that runs throughout JK Rowling€™s series, coming to head with the Battle of Hogwarts. In fact, the idea of Pure-Bloods, Half-Bloods and Mud-Bloods (excuse the language) is a system that was implemented in an almost identical way by Hitler and the Nazis. Not only was there a distinction made between Jews and non-Jews during the Second World War, but categories within the Jewish race were also formed. Jewish people would be classified depending on how €˜polluted€™ their blood was, making some of them further away from €˜purity€™ than others. In both worlds, these supposedly lesser citizens of varying degree were made to sign onto a register, declaring themselves sub-human.. Though Harry and his cohort were able to stop the Muggle Holocaust before it happened, the way the story was heading suggests that the fate of non-magic folk would have been very similar to that of the Jews during those dark days in the 1940s. Racial discrimination was the first step (the muggle-born registration commission) and the removal of rights came next (wizards that were not considered pure-blood had their wands confiscated) and you can bet your last Gold Galleon that Muggle concentration camps and their eventual mass murder would have followed.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.