10 Conspiracy Theories That People Are No Longer Believing

5. N.A.T.A.S. - Entertainment Tonight Harboured An Enemy Alien Combatant For Years

It really can't be stressed enough that these theories can be fun to explore, but getting lost in them in an age already overloaded with fear and paranoia will inevitably end in violence. With that said, there are always a few from history that even the most dedicated subscribers to the lunacy that's out there now have to marvel at.

We're linking the YouTube video, just so you get a full list of people the National Anti-Tesh Action Society believes to be extraterrestrials.

"John Tesh is an alien. He's an advance guard of the alien army," said Kenny Five (we're taking a leap here, but that's an alias) of the Ferndale, Michigan-based group.

That's right, former Entertainment Tonight host and only man to surpass Yanni in boredom is, according to them, a hulking alien guard that's prepping humanity for an impending invasion.

I'll give them Tesh, he's freakishly tall and new age is indeed mind-numbing enough to lull us into captivity. What's impressive about the list of other alleged creatures from planet X are the weird anomalies. For instance, there are only a certain members of the Kennedy family, not the whole clan, which throws a giant wrench in any JFK conspiracy competing for attention. Also, given that many are dead, such as John Denver (who died...flying!), we're guessing that means they just left.

There's no real reason for this one not really catching on, beyond it being crazy enough to make John McAfee do a double-take.

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Kenny Hedges is carbon-based. So I suppose a simple top 5 in no order will do: Halloween, Crimes and Misdemeanors, L.A. Confidential, Billy Liar, Blow Out He has his own website - thefilmreal.com - and is always looking for new writers with differing views to broaden the discussion.