10 Conspiracy Theories That People Are No Longer Believing

4. The Veiled Prophet Of St. Louis

Moon Landing Fake 2
The St. Louis Post Dispatch

Given the toxicity of the atmosphere, it may do well to examine at least one very real conspiracy theory that is ignored, but particularly relevant and further reaching than we like to admit.

Days ago, the couple standing on their lawn with an assault rifle and pistol as protestors passed in St. Louis were charged with unlawful use of weapon. The internet is aflutter with passionate defenses and outcries proclaiming justice be done. However, not many stopped to look at where it occurred, a city that holds a racist ball.

The Veiled Prophet Ball is held in St. Louis every December not dissimilar to Mardi Gras, with floats and parades included. The event is held by the Veiled Prophet Organization, founded in 1878 by fourteen prominent businessmen.

Like the Thomas Moore poem that inspired it, St. Louis' Veiled Prophet is a wealthy man from the east who demands a grand reception, but the similarities end there. The St. Louis Prophet is a benevolent, powerful ruler, but one with an iron fist.

The Veiled Prophet in Moore's poem is said to object to the bourgeois French Royalty at the time, angry that it allowed its world to fall into anarchy.

We can't understand what led St. Louis to celebrate and keep their Prophet, whose veil is a white hood and tends to side with the powers that be. That tends to mean keeping minorities in line.

This is well worth further exploration, such as Ellie Kemper's likely innocent connection to it.

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Kenny Hedges is carbon-based. So I suppose a simple top 5 in no order will do: Halloween, Crimes and Misdemeanors, L.A. Confidential, Billy Liar, Blow Out He has his own website - thefilmreal.com - and is always looking for new writers with differing views to broaden the discussion.