10 Crap Valentine's Gifts To Make You Question Your Relationship

1. Valentine€™s Day The Movie

Valentines Day Movie Poster
"A greeting card full of vomit"
That€™s how British film critic Mark Kermode described the 2010 release from Warner Bros. Valentine€™s Day is surprisingly set during Valentine€™s Day and follows the up€™s and down€™s of a group of attractive people as they deal with the pressures and issues that come with being in a relationship on the day of love. From the director of Pretty Woman, Ashton Kutcher and Jessica Alba lead an assumable cast that includes Julia Roberts, Jamie Foxx and Bradley Cooper. Described as a romantic comedy, you might be right in assuming that Valentine€™s Day is nothing more than a cynical attempt to rob cash from unsuspecting romantics who think a subpar rom-com will prove their love to their significant other. Currently holding a not so fresh score of 18% on Rotten Tomatoes, the film might have hit the No.1 spot during Valentine€™s Day weekend when it was released but that didn€™t stop Ashton Kutcher and Jessica Alba winning Worst Actor and Actress at the 31st Golden Raspberry Awards. All the unsold Valentine€™s Day DVD€™s are dusted off and put on the shelf during the run up to February 14th but you are best advised to steer clear, or you are in for 2hours and 3min€™s of cinema torture.
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Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.