10 Crap Valentine's Gifts To Make You Question Your Relationship

2. Edible Posing Pouch

Candy Pouch Cen 500 20999 96597 Teeth and penis are not normally two things that go well together, so keep that in mind, you have to be a brave man to put one of these on. Made out of tiny sugar sweets, the idea is that you put them on and allow your partner to munch away the jock strap until nothing apart from your relieved penis is left. But one accidental nibble in the wrong place and it€™s €˜€™bye-bye€™€™ to sexy time in the bedroom and €˜€™hello€™€™ to the junior Doctor in A&E. But for those of you who are careful what you bite down on, you also have to make sure your partner is well trained and not in the habit sharting in his underwear. Once the initial sugary goodness has left your taste buds, the after taste might be a lot less palatable. Anyone worried that they might embarrass themselves by not filling the pouch, fear not, it€™s one size fits all.
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Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.