10 Creepiest Condom Designs Ever

1. Spray-On Latex

Never again endure the ignominy of buying extra small penis ponchos thanks to Jan Vinzenz Krause€™s liquid latex invention, somewhat horrifyingly inspired by "the mechanics of a drive-through car wash." While it makes one wonder where he's been getting his Audi serviced, it also makes for an innovative alternative to the traditional condom, albeit one that might complicate the climax of foreplay with dangerous chemical emissions. Further complications include having to insert your precious package into a threatening looking nozzle and needing to wait several minutes for the latex to dry, a mood killer that even the most lively small talk couldn€™t save. While Kraus himself never brought the product to market due to a high level of intimidation among his test subjects, design student Michele Chu recently resurrected the idea in the form of a spraypaint-style can and seems likely to see more success.
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