Fanfic Of: DC's Superfriends Plot: The Legion of Doom has gotten in touch with monstrous beings from another dimension. Instead of assisting Luthor and company in their schemes, the Legion is taken prisoner and biologically altered in rather frightening ways while the Superfriends respond to this interdimensional terror Commentary: With his story at 139,000 words in length, author Denizen1 takes his time building up to and doing the horrific scenes of comic book villains being changed in grisly ways. In incidents like Chapter 15, the character of Scarecrow gets his face pecked off by a crow. The detail and description is quite vivid. And that's one of the milder fates suffered in this story. If you want some socially redeeming value, perhaps the whole thing could be interpreted as a deconstruction of the whole idea of making comic characters darker and edgier. Maybe it's even a criticism of the idea of enjoying watching bad guys being punished, with how drawn out and tortuous some of the fates in it are. Although if you're looking for creepy fanfics, you probably weren't in the first place. Read it Yourself