10 Creepy Public Art Displays

2. The Airport's Satanic Pony - Denver

Yes, there are very strange and saddening murals and statues that cover the walls of Denver International Airport, some that include a soldier in a gas mask brandishing an AK-47, dead Amazonian leopards, a blonde German boy making ploughshares from weapons, and demons crawling out of suitcases. TSA puts them in your bag when you forget to remove your belt. However, the scariest part of the public art at the mile high airport is the writhing horse sculpture that welcomes visitors to the airport; he's nicknamed Blucifer. At 9.8 meters tall and weighing 4,100 kg, artist Luis Jimenez created the Horse of the Apocalypse only to have a piece of it fall off and crush an artery in his leg. The horse is fiberglass and painted bright blue. It has thick, black varicose veins across its sides and stomach. If you get beneath it, you can see that is appears to have a prolapsed anus and lots of extra veins there too. Also, it€™s eyes glow red. Maybe that€™s a side effect of living with varicose veins.
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Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.