10 Creepy Public Art Displays

3. The Baby Eater - Bern

Europe has it in for babies. Just in case there was any question, let€™s submit the Kindlifresserbrunnen sculpture as evidence. In English, that means Child Eater Fountain. Hans Gieng constructed the fountain in 1545/46. It features an ogre devouring a naked infant. At his side is a bag full of more babies. Around the base of the monstrous fountain runs a frieze that depicts armed bears going to war. No one is certain why the fountain features an ogre eating kids like popcorn. It has been suggested that it was inspired by the legend of the Krampus, the beastly goat creature that kidnaps and punishes disobedient children at Christmas. Other theories suggest that the statue is Cardinal Schiner, a bishop and military commander who died of the plague or perhaps it was meant to vilify Jews. The ogre€™s hat is styled after a hat commonly worn by Jews in the Middle Ages and it was at one time painted yellow, the colour once used to mark Jews. What was the sculptor thinking?
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Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.