10 Creepy Public Art Displays

6. Bank Of America Murals - Charlotte, North Carolina

Navigating the banking system is difficult enough without being watched by a weird Oliver Twist clone in an oversized coat and the jerk that tried to steal E.T. The corporate centre of Bank of America, the largest bank in the United States, is located in Charlotte. It€™s the tallest skyscraper in Charlotte, looming over the charming city. But, the really interesting parts of the building are the murals in the main lobby. A confusing, muted coloured triptych, the paintings were completed by Benjamin Long who said that they revolve around the themes of €œmaking/building, chaos/creativity, and planning/knowledge.€ Maybe by creativity the artist meant using taxpayers€™ funds to save banks that made bad investments in mortgage lending. No? That wasn€™t what you were going for, Ben? It€™s obvious that those naked, floating bodies on fire are an allegory for bankruptcy. What about that zombiefied little boy on display for the men in the pit below? Is Bank of America supporting the sale of children? Some individuals have also found Masonic imagery in this painting, namely in the checkerboard floor, the burning bush and the black stairs representing the path to illumination. The middle mural shows a diverse crowd, including a person in a hazmat suit, a man being crucified and a really angry nun. Jesus may also be part of this party. Lastly, the third panel represents miners, a sleeping giant and Freddy Mercury cheering. If anyone knows how any of these relate to banking please let us know in the comments.
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Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.