10 Creepy Public Information Films

4. Searching

BFIBFIA classic 1970s advert from PFI auteur John Krish which won a Venice Golden Lion and a Hollywood 'Spike' trophy. Krish directed the unforgettable Railway safety short film The Finishing Line which showed a nightmarish school sports day taking place on a busy railway line. With a body count that€™s off the scale, it€™s a wonder that such a horrifying vision was even made and it surely traumatised schoolchildren across the UK. In Searching, Krish turns his attention to the dangers of children playing with matches, expertly capturing the head-spinning horror of re-entering a house gutted by fire as the voices of those lost echo hauntingly in your head. You€™ll be checking the batteries of your smoke alarms after watching this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92xPM7JR2NU See also, The Finishing Line: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slJyhOEo-SY

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Loves: Nostalgia, drums and Guided by Voices. Hates: Mondays