10 Creepy Public Information Films

5. Fruit-E Bars

Accident Compensation Corporation (NZ)Accident Compensation Corporation (NZ)This New Zealand public service announcement hoodwinks the viewer into thinking it is a simple fruit bar commercial before taking a horrific turn for the worse. A housewife €“ who looks like a modern version of the woman from the 1980€™s Shake n' Vac adverts €“ walks towards the camera while extolling the virtues of some fictional children€™s fruit bar before face planting into the coffee table. The swift cut from jolly daytime TV mode to household tragedy will make you jump out your seat. The message is clear: clean up your kids toys unless you want to end up more scarred than Freddie Kruger€™s nether regions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u51OxZF1ltI

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Loves: Nostalgia, drums and Guided by Voices. Hates: Mondays