10 Deranged YouTube Pranks That Would Scar You For Life

3. The Spider-Dog Prank

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoB8t0B4jx4 An absolute sicko came up with this - an idea that would terrify most people, but one that is likely to make any genuine arachnophobes want to kill themselves. The sicko in question is Sylwester Wardega - a Polish prankster with a reputation for mischief - and the prank has scared the bejesus out of countless people who have been the victims of it. The prank involves putting a giant spider fancy dress costume on a dog and unleashing said dog on individuals who happen to be out at night. In some cases, that is the end of their torment but, for others, the experience is more extreme. Accompanying the spider-dog is often a giant web, complete with fake human body parts - making it look as if the creature has been feeding on humans. Vile - yet somehow a little bit cute, when reality sets in.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.