10 Deranged YouTube Pranks That Would Scar You For Life

2. The Killer Clown Prank

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xSNiPx791A In much the same way that the spider-dog prank terrifies arachnophobes, anyone with a fear of clowns is likely to have a heart attack if they become the victim of this prank. The final DM Pranks Productions offering in this list, this prank sees a creepy clown scaring the hell out of innocent members of the public in a manner that will haunt their nightmares for years to come. Waiting in the shadows in car parks and on remote pathways, a man stands in a clown outfit (including a terrifying mask), holding a giant stone hammer, next to a fake, prone body with a watermelon for a head. When people stumble across the scene, the clown then slams the hammer down on to the "head" and an explosion of red makes the victims think they've just witnessed a psychopath committing a brutal murder. What could be more terrifying? Well... this could...
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.