10 Despicable War Crimes That Were Shamefully Denied

9. Israeli Nuclear Ambiguity - The Samson Option

Israel seems perpetually in trouble with the International community over war crimes and atrocities. Over the years, many, many UN resolutions have been passed condemning Israel, but she strides forth disregarding criticism, viewing the whole situation as a matter of securing survival which is under attack from the Arab countries that surround her. It is by now widely acknowledged by the International community that Israel has a sizeable stock of nuclear weapons. The development of a nuclear arsenal in Israel ran contrary to international law - the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty - however, Israel never signed this accord and forged ahead with developing nuclear weapons. She has pursued a policy of so-called 'nuclear ambiguity' refusing to confirm or deny the existence of weapons even though the Israelis actually view them as an ultimate means of security. Israel's nuclear doctrine includes "The Samson Option" which basically means that if Israel were attacked, she would take everyone down with her.- unleashing nuclear weapons on all and sundry. You will no doubt sleep better tonight knowing that. It is illegal for Israeli citizens to talk about nuclear weapons - referring to them instead as 'Doomsday weapons'. From the inception of the country in 1948, there was considerable interest in developing nuclear weapons with first Israeli PM David Ben Gurion said to be obsessed with acquiring nuclear know how. After the Holocaust, and the fervent efforts of the Nazis to annihilate European Jews, Israel's nuclear programme has a logic of some sorts behind it. It is estimated that Israel has 75-400 nuclear warheads including Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles, but nobody can say for sure, since Israel is keeping schtumm.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!