10 Emotional Stages Of Getting A Tattoo

2. And It's Over. You Are So Tattooed Right Now

Seinfeld Happy Gif The tattoo artist tells you he's finished. You check the time before you check your surely massacred wrist. That only took seven minutes!? What? That felt like an eternity, like something out of SAW. Like your wrist bones were being closed down on by a ginormous angry hornet. You glance quickly at the affected area. WOW! It IS a star! It's so black and pointy! It's not bleeding anymore! It's exactly what you visualised! Ok, so it's a bit swollen, and definitely feels sore still, but they're just side effects, right? It's going to be fine. The tattoo artist puts some salve on it, wraps up your wrist in kitchen towel and clingfilm, and sends you on your way with some parting advice regarding sun burn and hot water which you don't listen to because you're just so damn excited that you've actually got a tattoo now.

I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).