10 Emotional Stages Of Getting A Tattoo

7. You're Indecisive; Maybe You Should Go All Out And Get A Dragon Instead

You walk into the tattoo parlour; it's the first one you've ever entered. There seem to be a lot of men with skin heads working here. What is that noise? Is it a swarm of bees? Nope, thats the sound of someone's skin being marked for life. You feel a sense of panic and wonder if you're making the right choice. Then you see the open portfolios lying around, and the framed photos on the walls of tattoos that have been created here. You're struck with awe, and suddenly come to the realisation that the world is full of infinite tattoo possibilities. You could get anything! Look at these koi carp rainbow fish! And these amazing disney murals! Who even has enough skin for a tattoo that big? You're definitely up for being part of the club: you book your appointment and leave feeling invigorated.

I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).