10 Emotional Stages Of Getting A Tattoo

4. Oh My Lord, It Hurts! It Hurts!

Tattoo BBBBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZ. It's buzzing, it's loud, it's spitting black liquid everywhere - and suddenly it's upon you. There is a needle dripping ink into your skin. Actually, forget dripping; it's injecting you. It's painful. Why is there no fat on your wrist to soak up the pain? He's going to break your bones with his buzzing whizzing gun machine. Goodbye wrist; you've been good to me. And he's totally messed up; why is there now a massive splodge of black ink on your skin instead of a star? WHERE IS THE TATTOO YOU ORDERED? And why are you breaking out in a cold sweat? Why is it so painful? It's like having a scorpion drag it's tail across your skin over and over again.

I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).